Emo-Twitter Mood Lamp

Video demonstration

What is “Emo”?

This lamp is called “Emo” people, call her “Emo”.She has 3 emotions,she hear tweets and story from friends that she cares,if the majority of friends feel happy today on twitter, Our “ Emo” will also feel happy.But if the majority of twitter friends feel sad “Emo”will also feel sad.This is one of her traits called sympathy.

How EMO works?

Emo is made up with 8 plates in a box.We will install leds under these plates,which are all engraved with different emojis.This lamp allows you to see the overall mood of all the people you follow on your twitter.If most of your followings post happy tweets over other emotions ,a smiley emoticon gets lit up with a yellow light. Starting from 8 plates being light up frame by frame to form an animation of a facial expression,Every 5 seconds ,twitter data will be collected once and light up only one plates which represents the mood that Emo currently feeling most.

Project Schematic